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Expose the Imposters that Keep You from True Peace, Purpose, and Passion. 

When the pressures of life become overwhelming, our first instinct is to seek out comfort. From turning to our go-to foods or shopping or exercise or favorite books or television shows--even alcohol, smoking, or cutting--we look to what is around us, seeking refuge and release from the stress. While not all these things are inherently bad, when we continually retreat first to the temporary relief these counterfeit comforts offer, they can--and will--become addictive and actually enslave us. 

With grace and warmth, author Robia Scott shows how true healing and lasting satisfaction can be found only as we learn to transfer our dependence from counterfeit comforts onto our one true Comforter: the Holy Spirit. From battling her own counterfeits, such as anorexia, body image, and success, Scott leads you step by step through the process of breaking the knee-jerk pattern of responding, reacting, and running to the counterfeits. Instead, she shows how you can simply come--without striving or trying harder--and enter his presence to experience the true comfort your soul is longing for.

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About The Author


Robia Scott ( is a popular speaker gifted in teaching practical and applicable biblical tools that change lives. Her heart and passion is to see all believers loosed from anything and everything that hinders them from knowing the fullness of who God is and the greatness of who they are in Him. A professional dancer and actress by trade, Robia rocketed to international success at a young age, touring with Prince and guest starring in hit television shows like Beverly Hills 90210 and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. After becoming a Christian, she left behind a thriving career

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