When you're just starting out in the professional world, putting money from your paychecks towards retirement savings or investing it in other ways, is likely the last thing on your mind. This week on Money Wise, CBN Financial Editor Drew Parkhill joins us to debunk some common misconceptions about investing--giving tips on how to make contributions of $5, $10 or $15 each month from your paycheck go a long ways towards your future financial security. 
The Internet gives us the ability to stay more connected to each other than ever before--but if we're not careful this new kind of connectedness can also be impersonal and distant. We speak with a woman who shrunk the digital distance between her community by asking them to invest in her family during their time of need.
It consistently ranks at the top of the Federal Trade Commission's list of compaints every year--and right about now is when you could be finding out that you're a victim. This week on CBN News Money Wise we talk about what's been called The Crime of the 21st Century--Tax ID Fraud.
Forget health insurance, retirement funds and flexible vacation schedules--in 2017 a new employee benefit is being added to the list. This week on CBN Money Wise we explore the benefit most attractive to America's newest generation of worker.
Healthcare premiums and deductibles are higher than ever before. The incoming administration will likely repeal Obamacare but it won't happen over night. So what alternatives do Americans have? This week on CBN News Money Wise we explore Health Sharing Ministries--marketed as an affordable, faith-based solution for Christians, to the problems of rising healthcare costs. 
Invisible wounds from war, like post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury, haunt veterans for years. For those who do seek help, care from the military comes at no out-of-pocket cost. However, Veteran Andrew Marr says he came away from that with a handful of medications to treat his symptoms but nothing for the underlying issue. In his quest for healing he spent thousands of dollars, filed for bankruptcy and learned some important information about the injury that haunted him. He's now made it his mission to raise awareness, support, and funds for other Veterans battling the invisible wounds of war.