
In my one on one interview with Joe Lieberman, the Senator and big time McCain backer defends Pastor John Hagee’s controversial comments from a few months ago, saying they were taken out of context and reflects back on lessons learned about the whole endorsement fiasco. The transcription is below. The video clip is above.


Senator Joe Lieberman, an Independent and one of John McCain’s biggest supporters tells The Brody File that he’ll speak at the Republican Convention if John McCain gives him the green light. Below is the transcription of his comments. You can watch the clip above.


So Virginia Governor Tim Kaine has a real shot to become Barack Obama’s VP. If that happens, it’ll be John McCain vs Obama/Kaine. That’s kind of strange isn’t? However, Obama/Kaine kind of has a ring to it. It’s better than Obama/Sebelius. That sounds like a disease you get in a Third World Country. Obama/Hagel rhymes with bagel which could help Obama with the Jewish vote. (Hey I’m a Jewish believer so that comment is appropriate. I can say that) How about Oba


A high ranking GOP source tells The Brody File there’s lively discussion about how to present some of the more moderate voices in the Republican Party at their convention in September. This source tells me the following regarding the behind the scenes situation:


A source close to the McCain campaign tells The Brody File that while McCain’s economic plan is a winner the campaign must do a better job of putting a human touch on it.


This national gathering of prayer warriors will run from 10 AM to 10 PM. During this time of prayer, participants will once again stand with LIFE tape over their mouths. Bound4LIFE needs your help to make this possible.


A Note on “The Note”


Big fish alert. From ABC News:


OK, so the media is ga-ga for Barack Obama. I think most everyone will concede the point that Obama has gotten for the most part over the top positive coverage from the press. But let me go on the record to say unlike MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, I do not have a thrill running up my leg. I do however have a pain running through my left leg but I believe that is my sciatica acting up.


What do the Olympic venues really look like?  Has Beijing cleaned up the city before the Olympics?  It has according to this video, which features many beauty shots of Beijing.
