
Political producer Robin Mazyck here with a guest blog on The Brody File. This past weekend I unexpectedly ended up in Phoenix, Ariz.. (It's a very long story - trust me.) And while I enjoyed some of the festivities sponsored by the NFL , I couldn't turn it off.


The Romney campaign is now sending out surrogate email hits on McCain talking up how John McCain considered running with John Kerry in 2004.


Manny Miranda, the former legal counsel for Senate Majority Bill Frist and someone well respected in the judiciary community and among grassroots conservative organizations is endorsing John McCain. This is important because if John McCain can pass the judges test then his standing with social conservatives will improve dramatically.


I told you so. The Brody File has been talking to voters and experts across the country over this last year and detected a gradual shift of born again Christians who have become more sympathetic to the Democratic Party. Well, guess what? The very well respected Barna Research Group confirms it. Read below:


For political junkies, the really Super event about this past week had nothing to do with the Giants and Patriots, and has everything to do with this Tuesday.  The number of potential candidates has dwindled, but the passion and conviction of those still in the race continues to ignite hundreds of thousands of voters.


If you've read this blog in the past week, there's definitely been one overarching theme: China's had its worst snowstorm in 50 years, disrupting plans of potentially 180 million travelers and causing billions in damage. 


Today, two suicide bombers struck the Israeli town of Dimona located in the heart of Israel's Negev Desert. They killed one woman and injured many more. It only seemed a matter of time. Why?


Here's a brief note to make a point to support the recent interview CBN aired with Pete Hegseth, the founder of VetsForFreedom.org, a national organization out to educate the American public about the need to win the war on terror.


Ninety days ago, the village of Khidr was nearly a ghost town. It's only inhabitants were monsters.


Not surprisingly, the six Pakistanis arrested by British authorities were connected to the Barcelona terrorist cell broken up last week. Here's the money quote, from Tory MP Patrick Mercer: "This intelligence shows the breadth and span of international terrorism and anybody who thinks that the threat has either gone or is in abeyance is in cloud-cuckoo-land." More:
