
Jon Ponder was an inmate that was given a second chance and he says it did not come from a prison reform program, but from the hand of God. 


State lawmakers in Kansas and Oklahoma approved bills that give legal protections to faith-based adoption agencies that say their religious beliefs do not allow them to place children in LGBT homes.


After Bible study leader Beth Moore called for "zero tolerance" towards misogyny in the church, a number of key pastors affirmed her challenge and one apologized for slandering her.

A participant at an NRA Convention holds one of the handguns at a manufacturer's booth. (Image credit: National Rifle Association)

President Trump was the headline speaker during a leadership forum at the National Rifle Association's annual meeting Friday in Dallas, Texas. This is his fourth consecutive appearance at the event. 


The 2018 National Day of Prayer was the first without Rev. Graham. Instead, his granddaughter, Cissie Graham Lynch, was given the honor of following in his footsteps, leading the nation in prayer for unity.


Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in southern California talks with CBN News about global events, signs of the "end times", Bible prophecy, and why it's important to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible.

Clemens Family

Three young siblings are making a remarkable comeback from a devastating accident that killed their parents and younger sister – leaving them severely injured.


As expected, comedians are still rallying behind Michelle Wolf and her controversial standup routine at this year's White House Correspondents' Dinner.Wolf compared White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to a dark TV character who tortures and brainwashes women into becoming baby-making machines.   


The president's attorney now believes Donald Trump is in the clear, but he says there is still a 50/50 chance the president will be subpoenaed to testify.


Influential author and pastor Andy Stanley came under fire last week for saying church unity is more important than "theological correctness."
