
Volunteers are working through CBN's Operation Blessing to help victims rebuild their lives in the hurricane-ravaged city of Lumberton, North Carolina. Well aware of the immense destruction a hurricane can leave behind, one group of Puerto Ricans is here as part of "Operation Pay It Forward."


Monster Hurricane Michael has now moved out into the Atlantic, but it left behind devastation of catastrophic proportions. Lives have been shattered, families have lost loved ones, thousands of homes are destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of other Americans remain without electricity. 


Churches in the Panhandle region are providing some of the first responses to Hurricane Michael victims. With knowledge of both the area and previous hurricane experience, they're able to get in quickly to assess needs and begin to provide help.


In an age where Hollywood producers, politicians, and even pastors are accused of sexual misconduct, mega church pastor Joel Osteen says he's relying on the "Billy Graham Rule" to keep him out of hot water.



A throng of real-life witches are fighting back by hosting a spell-casting ritual against Brett Kavanaugh in New York. 

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They say your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. For Kaley West Young, it was also a heartbreaking reminder that one important person couldn't be there – her father.


A Panama City Beach pastor is sending teams out to check on those who rode out Hurricane Michael. Cole Bailey says he's most concerned about the safety and well-being of his congregation, although he will eventually have to focus on the church building, which Michael destroyed.


As a weakened Michael makes its way across the Carolinas after leaving a trail of destruction throughout the Florida Panhandle, stories are surfacing about how many turned to prayer ahead of the storm's onslaught.


One of the strongest hurricanes to ever hit the United States has left a path of devastation across Florida, including at least two deaths. 


US stocks plunged to their worst loss in eight months on Wednesday as technology companies continued to drop. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 831 points.
