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No Reason to Run

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Dima’s first thoughts each morning when he woke up were of food – would he eat that day? This little boy from Kiev, Ukraine also wondered where he would sleep at night.

“I would be in the basement and sleep on the hot water pipes,” Dima said. “I would also find lots of rags to cover myself up to keep warm, and there were lots of rats running around.”

Dima’s mother was an alcoholic who couldn’t take care of herself—or her son. Instead of going to school Dima spent his days on the streets. Other runaways taught him how to survive, like sniffing glue to forget about his hunger pains.

“When I would beg for money,” Dima said, “instead of buying food I would buy glue because I was so addicted to it. Then I would look for food in trash cans.”

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Kiev, a man named Nikolai, bought an old run down building to start an orphanage. He was driven with a passion to rescue street kids and orphans. That’s when he learned about a special organization committed to helping “orphans in their distress.” Operation Blessing knew just how to help.

“Operation Blessing helped me to renovate the building inside and out to make it livable for the children,” Nikolai said. “They also have given me lots of food, shampoos, and school supplies.”

The help from Operation Blessing made it possible to take Dima to his orphanage and have all he needed to care for him. Nikolai knew without help Dima faced a life of hunger and poverty. But Nikolai wondered if the boy would adjust to his new home.

“After three days he ran away because it was difficult for him to get used to this new life,” Nikolai said.

When Dima ran away he had a medical emergency. Doctors asked him where he lived and the only answer Dima could think of was the orphanage – and the man named Nikolai. Soon Nikolai came to take Dima home. That was two and a half years ago.

Today, something has changed for Dima. He is finally off the streets and in a loving environment where he receives hot meals and sleeps in a warm bed. All of the food and furnishings -- provided by Operation Blessing and CBN partners. And he now thinks of Nikolai as the father he never had.

“He takes good care of us and always makes sure we have what we need,” Dima said. “He is the kindest person in the world.”

“I felt a relief that we were able to strengthen Dima,” Nikolai said. “Operation Blessing helped me save one more child who could have died.”

Thanks to your support, Nikolai and his staff are giving all 35 children at this home in Petrivski a chance for a better life. And it’s the ongoing support of CBN and Operation Blessing that keeps it running each day.

“I am very thankful to Operation Blessing for giving me financial help to take care of Dima and all the children in the orphanage,” Nikolai said.

Dima expressed his thankfulness as well.

“I wish a lot of happiness to everybody who helped me. I wish them strong health and a good life,” he said.