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Take Your Business to the Next Level

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Rita and Jerry run a restaurant and catering business in the Philippines. Most months they just break even.

“We do alright, but it’s been our dream to get a second vehicle for our catering jobs,” says Rita.

Rita often watches the Philippine version of The 700 Club. That’s where she and her daughter saw the work Operation Blessing was doing to help others.

“We saw stories about people who gave to CBN and how they experienced God’s power in their lives. In my heart I felt a prompting to pledge a specific amount.”

As Rita prayed about giving that amount to CBN, her daughter turned to her and said, "Mom, what if God told you to pledge this certain amount, would you do it?" Rita was taken aback because it was the exact amount she had in mind.

Rita immediately called The 700 Club to make her pledge.

“I felt so much joy that I was able to do that, to give to the work of CBN and Operation Blessing,” says Rita.

Her husband, Jerry, agreed with her decision to pledge. “When she told me about giving to CBN, I was enthusiastic about it. It felt right.”

One week later, the catering jobs started pouring in.

“People we didn’t even know began calling us. They all said someone referred our catering company to them,” explains Jerry.

More and more people started coming to their restaurant.

“We have a lot of new customers who come by the busload, even from far away! This is such a blessing from God. We see His powerful hand moving in all this,” says Rita.

Rita and Jerry have finally been able to buy the second vehicle they’ve always wanted for their catering business.

“The Lord did not just give back to us a hundredfold, but a thousandfold. We are so amazed by how God blessed what we gave Him,” says Jerry.

“Let’s listen to the Lord and obey Him,” adds Rita. “Let’s have faith that, as we give to God, He will show His goodness to us. He will return to us much more than what we’ve given Him.”