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Mansion Over the Hillside

Share This Devotional - With so much bad news these days—hurricanes, levees not holding, people running for their lives, heartache and pain—it can get you down if you dwell on it. But we can pray for better days and brighter tomorrows and hope as we see and hear every glimmer of good news.

Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise—dwell on these things ( , Holman Christian Standard Bible).

We need to think of the rescues, the families reunited, the people being fed and clothed, the homes being offered to these hurricane refugees, the people and cites who are welcoming these strangers. Soon these displaced people will find a new home and start afresh.

Just like these displaced people, haven’t you at some time or other felt lost in your times of crisis? Haven’t you wondered, where is my stability? True stability is in knowing God.

When we were without Christ, we were lost. We were strangers to a world we did not know existed. That world we as believers now know as the Kingdom of God. It doesn’t matter so much where you live geographically; what matters is that there is a Savior who welcomes you into His world. This world is one of peace and hope and joy. Like a mayor who gives you the key to the city, God gives you the keys to eternal life, and once you accept Him, you are not just a visitor or guest or a stranger—you are a child of His! When you draw closer as you walk with Him, you become a friend of God.

Someday, because we accepted Him as our Savior, we will go to a new city, our real home: It is called Heaven. We will no longer be strangers. We will arrive at our final destination and settle down for eternity.

Don’t worry about where you live today because there is a new home waiting for each of God’s children. Let us remember that we are pilgrims here, and we are going to a new city!

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About The Author


Cathy Irvin authored well over 50 Devotions for CBN over three decades where she served the Lord Jesus Christ at the Christian Broadcasting Network. Cathy loved telling stories and glorifying God in all that she did. On December 16, 2011, Cathy left this earthly dwelling to take up residence in the dwelling prepared for her in Heaven. Her Devotions minister with love and truth.

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