
 Read below from The Minnesota Independent: Pawlenty became an evangelical Christian in the mid-1980s when he married Mary Anderson, a member of Wooddale Church, an evangelical megachurch in Eden Prairie. The couple were married by the Rev. Leith Anderson, a senior pastor at Wooddale since 1977. Anderson happens to be the president of the National Association of Evangelicals, an organization representing more than 30 million American evangelicals. In fact, Anderson had been the president


 The Obama campaign told The Brody File last year through spokesman Bill Burton that: "Barack Obama supports sensible, community-driven education for children because, among other things, he believes it could help protect them from pedophiles. A child's knowledge of the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching is crucial to keeping them safe from predators." Back then, the campaign directed me to Oregon Department of Education guidelines which they said would give


Franklin Graham and Barack Obama in the same room.Yes, it's true. When they both met the other day in a roomful of religious leaders in Chicago, The Brody File was told that Franklin Graham and Sen. Barack Obama shook hands afterwards. Earlier we had reported that they hugged. A Franklin Graham spokesman called and said actually it was a handshake, not a hug. My source called it a "man-hug" but whatever. The bottom line is he was in the room.


How did Barack Obama manage to beat the front runner Hillary Clinton? I went out to Chicago and went inside Obama headquarters to explore how this campaign team pulled it off.


It's politics 101. When your campaign has a distraction get rid of him or her. Jim Johnson, welcome to politics 101.


It all depends on who you ask.


As the race for the Presidency in America narrows down and heats up, obviously more scrutiny will be paid to the presumptive candidates.


It is estimated that if we as a nation spent $6 billion on getting ourselves to proper levels of vitamin D, we would save ourselves $600 billion and, more importantly, hundreds of thousands of lives. You certainly can't get that rate of return on the stock market.


Selecting the safest and most effective sunscreen can be a challenge. CBN News took guidelines and ratings from the Cosmetics Database run by the Environmental Working Group.


You would probably think that most evangelists and Christians worldwide wouldn't hesitate before answering this question with a resounding "yes."  But in reality, this question has caused significant cause for debate among many international Christians.
