
The Brody File appeared on The 700 Club Wednesday to discuss what's next in the Democratic primary. Watch my analysis above.


I was on The 700 Club tonight with Pat Robertson discussing Hillary Clinton's big win tonight. Get my analysis above. Below you can read what Pat Robertson had to say about her victory Tuesday night:


Barack Obama and his campaign are basically saying "no big deal" about Hillary Clinton's win. Here's what the Obama campaign is saying tonight through one of their "memos" released to the press:


1. God on the Go

USA Today has posted this story about the rise in popularity of religious podcasts. According to the story, religious-themed podcasts remain one of iTunes most popular content.


God created sex. As the author of sex, I have no doubt He intended it for our pleasure as well as for procreation. 

In spite of obvious pleasures, it is surprising how many couples have all but abandoned their sexual relationship. For this reason I think it’s time to check the sexual pulse of our readers.


Well, so much for all the bold talk from Pakistan's new government about being "tough on terror." CBN News viewers know all too well the disastrous results of the "peace deals" struck  by the Musharraf regime with the Taliban in Pakstan's tribal regions. Musharraf's successors apparently didn't get the memo. From The Long War Journal:


I don't need to know the final results from Pennsylvania. 8 points. 10 points. Whatever. By winning Pennsylvania, Hillary Clinton has made an emphatic statement. She is not going away. As a matter of fact, the longer she stays in and wins, the harder it gets for Obama to win the nomination. Why? Because everyday that Clinton stays in the race is a day that she can accumulate evidence to bring to the super delegate jury and say, "I'm your gal." Before Pennsylvania there


I just finished analyzing the Catholic vote in Pennsylvania and I take a look at the landscape post Pennsylvania. Watch above.


The big Pennsylvania primary is tonight. I was on our Newswatch program yesterday talking about it. Watch my analysis above.


Oprah is pushing her New Age philosophy on the public, and the Church and other media is pushing back.
