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Recent Devotionals

How can we respond to people who need help? Whether practicing better listening and observation…
Have you ever felt jealous or slighted by what others achieve? Do you seem to work harder than…
What is a sacrifice? Is it giving up the small luxuries we find comfort in, such as a streaming…
What could be wrong with going after what you think is best for you? It's not necessarily hurting…
Jesus tells us we must get rid of the log in our own eye before trying to remove the speck in…
Do you ever feel lonely and burdened with problems that you can't share with anyone? Remember you'…
It’s important to take time and remind ourselves of what God has already said and promised— what He…
It's defeating to see a loved one go through a difficult time and be unable to assist them. Whether…
There’s nothing wrong with traditions—until they interfere with our ability to follow God’s plan…
We serve an all-powerful God! How can we trust Him more and do away with doubting? Sometimes, it’s…
The challenges and circumstances of life often weigh on us, depriving us of the energy to live and…
Couple holding hands
God's Word provides a constant message of restoration. His handiwork is so much bigger and more…
Anxiety and other emotional and mental disorders can set us on a chaotic path. But God has an…
We can all attest to life turning out much differently than what we thought. When life takes…
God created rest because He loves us. The world has set a different standard for what rest means,…
Do you need healing from heavy burdens? It's so easy to take the load of our family, friends,…