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Recent Devotionals

As we reflect on our past, we can see how our lives have come together as a testament to God's…
We all face obstacles in life. Some are small and easy to conquer, but unfortunately, others may…
When making a change or trying something new, we can be overwhelmed with our thought patterns. And…
Today is Ash Wednesday, a day many begin a fast in honor of the season that will lead us to Easter…
Intentionality in a relationship shows that you care and love deeply enough to prioritize the…
Love is a central theme of God’s character. We read in John 3:16 that He loved the world so much…
The biblical account of the woman who anointed Jesus with expensive ointment from her alabaster jar…
What is the common link between a pineapple and the Holy Spirit? The author pondered the same…
When Jesus returns to this earth, it is our responsibility to be ready. We cannot rely on our…
In Matthew 24, Jesus uses the fig tree's blooming to illustrate events signaling His Second Coming…
Life brings us situations we know are out of our control. Those moments teach us more about…
When people think of God, what comes to mind first—or even second, third, or fourth—is probably not…
Are you experiencing depression, or have you gone through it with a friend in the past? God gives…
Rest is a sacred spiritual practice that fosters closer intimacy and greater dependence upon God.…
Do you feel discouraged or inadequate, in your current season or situation? We all need wisdom. We…
At some point in our lives, whether on the playground, the workplace, the dating scene, and, most…