700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Gary and Sharon held down three jobs between the tow of them, yet they still struggled to make ends meet until a 700 Club teaching helped turn things...

In a remote village plagued with sacrifices to Hindu gods, you brought the love of Jesus. See how you changed the lives of 20 friends forever.

Pat Robertson continues his Secret Kingdom series with a teaching on The Law of Reciprocity and motivational speaker Reggie Dabbs shares about his...

Pat Robertson continues his Secret Kingdom series with a teaching on The Law of Reciprocity.

Mark and Kristen Howerton share the inspiration behind their passion for international adoption and Michael Knight experiences a healing to a knee...

Author and Emmy Award-winning journalist Rita Cosby shares her experience of reconciling with her father after years of estrangement and the story of...

Olya could barely feed her children and criminals threatened to sell her daughters into prostitution. See how you saved them from lives of sexual...

A jihadist infiltrates American culture in an attempt to wipe-out infidels, until the love and compassion of Christians changes his life.

An 18-wheeler truck ran into her, and Deerinda went from being trapped in her car to being on the stair steps of Heaven.

He suffered unthinkable abuse at the hands of his own father. It led to a double life and a shameful secret.

Tha's 13-year-old son, Tam contracted a deadly liver parasite. With no resources and no where to turn, you became her only hope.

Ross and Barbara have so much success – they have more than they need. Find out their secret to financial surplus.

DeVon Franklin shares how to live a vibrant Christian faith in the secular workplace and Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar talk about the trials and...

Joel Salatin is an outspoken, alternative farmer who wants Americans to think about what they eat and where it comes from. And he thinks the church...

Pat Robertson continues his Secret Kingdom teachings with a study on the Law of Use and Randy Geissler struggled with alcohol and tobacco in his life...

Dr. Vinson Synan discusses the future of the Charismatic movement in the 21st century and Buddy Jewell shares the story of his rocky road to faith...


Full Episodes

Ross Johnston was raised by two mothers, but his life was transformed by the Father’s love. Plus, see how China is using a combat-free strategy...

A runner collapses and her husband attempts CPR. First responders find no pulse. See how she survives after being unconscious for twenty-eight...

Retired professional wrestler Hulk Hogan gets excited when talking about his relationship with Jesus. See why he’s all the way in with Christ as his...

Revisit the true story of America’s first settlers and hear the prayer that build a nation. Plus, one woman’s dream about Jesus transforms her past....

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