Displaying 2369 - 2384 of 2797

Should we start stockpiling food and be prepared to defend it? We want kids but my husband is sterile, what should we do? I have received Christ, but...

My daughter, a Christian, is dating a Catholic causing controversy in our family, what do you think? I suffer from Lyme disease, why hasn't God...

Is the Antichrist alive today? Was Emperor Nero the Antichrist?

What does the Bible say about fortune telling and curses? I have fond feelings for my pastor's wife, what should I do?

I heard the new Health Care bill requires everyone to be implanted with an RFID chip. Is this true? Is it wrong for women to wear jeans to church? Is...

Throughout the Bible, we see many figures who had several wives. When did it become "one man, one woman"? How can God help me quit my vices? After...

How would I go about buying gold or silver? What is the big problem with raising the debt cieling?

Must my husband have sex with a virgin?

Gordon answers questions about: Retirement, Career change and credit advice.

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Are people motivated mostly by pain or pleasure? When is the best age to start dating?...

Pat Robertson answer the following Bring It On question: How do I pay down debt as a stay-at-home mom? What is a workaholic? How do you become a new...

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Is it unhealthy to fast before getting married? Should you stretch before running? Does...

Pat Robertson answers your Bring It On questions: What can we do when we're faced with foreclosure? Can anyone be an entrepreneur? Is now the time to...

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: What course of action should be taken if a higher salary is encouraging your spending...

Pat Robertson answers your Bring It on questions. Do you think counseling can make a difference? What are the responsibilities of a husband? Should...

Do we become angels when we die? How can I receive the Holy Spirit and what evidence should I look for?


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