Displaying 2769 - 2784 of 2798

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: My taste buds won't let me eat healthy. Help! What's poly fat? Can we get stronger after...

Gordon Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: My husband is jealous of my kids. How do I know when I've crossed the line into...

Gordon Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: How can I avoid a co-signing problem in the future? Will our economy survive another...

Pat Robertson answers your Bring It On questions. What do I do with irresponsible family members? Should my sister date a man who is separated but...

Pat Robertson answers your health questions. How do I know when I'm lifting enough weights? Are their natural herbs or vitamins to clean arteries?...

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: What causes inflation? Can you get a high interest rate while attaining liquidity? What...

Pat Robertson answers your "Bring It On" questions.

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: What exercises can be done to get rid of stomach rolls? How do you control snack...

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: How do you break yourself from fear? Is it wrong to take the morning after pill?

Pat Robertson answers your Skinny Wednesday Bring It On questions.

Pat Robertson answers your Money Monday Bring It On questions.

Pat Robertson answers your Bring It On questions.

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Did God create men to look at beautiful women? Is it wrong to be unmarried and living...

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: What should a supervisor do with a disruptive worker? What is the appropriate time to...

Pat answers the following "Bring It On" question: Does a vitamin deficiency cause memory loss?

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: What should you eat before and after exercise? How can you lose weight and avoid excess...


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