Displaying 513 - 528 of 546

Every year, children across the country head to summer camp. Many take their Bibles with them, including the children in the new documentary, "Jesus...

Approximately five million of the state's school children will be affected by changes in the social studies curriculum.

Got picky eaters? The Sneaky Chef gives recipes that will have your kids eating healthier without even knowing it.

Dr. Sheri Colberg answers your tough questions on diabetes and offers advice on how to help your kids lead healthier lifestyles.

Over 4,000 families are suing the government because they believe vaccines caused their child's autism.

Tragedies like the Haiti earthquake often lead to a new sweeping spiritual revival.

Some 800,000 children pass through the U.S. foster care system each year, but Christians are stepping up to do something about it.

Could you support a family of four on a teacher’s salary? One man is doing just that and he’s not only surviving – he’s thriving.

David Darg from Operation Blessing shares how OB is feeding children in a soccer stadium in Haiti's destroyed capital city.

Dr. Dolgoff makes good nutrition easy for you and your kids with this simple eating plan.

A group of worried parents had their fears relieved when their children notified them that they survived the Haiti earthquake. With no phones, they...

They wanted another child, but a blockage kept Kwadwo and Nicole from their dream of conception.

This piece gives an overview of the next SuperBook episode and previews the "Creation" episode to come.

As childhood obesity rises, this author has a plan to get your kids moving and keeping off the weight.

Kristi Watts, her son Chase along with Dr. Susan show how to get fit in between television watching.

It's only October, but already 86 American children have died from the swine flu. That's a startling number…


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