Displaying 65 - 80 of 336

Ukraine War enters a 2nd year; The CBO warns Social Security fund could run out of money as soon as 2033; States may follow Colorado requiring health...

New era of global tyranny infiltrates young minds; Nikki Haley enters GOP presidential race calling for a new generation of leaders; Legal showdown...

Chinese agents hunt down dissidents inside U.S. & world; Robert Spencer & how the left is trying to foment a civil war; Universal school choice soon...

One year of war in Ukraine, is NATO preparing for World War III? How Americans can protect election integrity in 2024; Tyre Nichols’ funeral. How...

U.S. overlooking religion's role in helping to change the world; Actor from The Chosen speaks of his life changing scene; Strengthening families to...

North Korea world's worst persecutor of Christians; Was the worst U.S. flight shutdown since 9-11 a cyberattack? How Americans can restore political...

Back from Mexico, Biden faces an investigation over classified documents; Who were the actual killers of JFK...

Iranian drones for Russia & oppression of protestors delay final nuclear deal; U.S. companies ignore liberty struggle, cave to CCP demands; Return to...

Best of” the Global Lane: Ukrainian soldiers experience miracles; GOP House report on FBI malfeasance; USA’s apathetic church leading to fascism,...

The U.N. warns the world is on the highway to climate hell; EV sales rising and now a potential fusion power grid breakthrough; Breaking promises....

Countries revise blasphemy laws, greater change needed; Winter hardship. Ukrainian refugees head to Europe; SCOTUS takes up Biden's student debt...

Enduring cold without electricity. Will Ukrainian resolve send Putin’s troops packing? The film "5,000 Blankets." God uses a mom...

Riots in China mean consumers may find it harder to buy the products they need; An unregulated internet and Millennials abandoning a biblical...

This week, the “Best of The Global Lane:” The China threat & five more years of Xi Jinping; Population bomb, or bust? Entire nations May disappear;...

Uyghur ethnic outrage over Biden's meeting with China's Xi; A.I. jobless apocalypse? Consequences of Robots writing their own code; A transexual wins...

Artificial intelligence betters our lives, but endangers privacy; Political abuses of power undermining the FBI's mission; A former army captain...


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