Displaying 97 - 112 of 470

Relationship coach Kait Warman gives practical dating tips for today’s Christian single.

Author of 5 Love Languages, Dr. Gary Chapman shares how you can keep your love alive through difficult times.

Author Jonathan Pitts shares how you can experience an abundant marriage with this Biblical practice.

CBN’s newly married Wendy Griffith and author of You Are a Prize to be Won! says it’s possible to live an abundant single life while you’re waiting...

When Dave confessed his dependency on pornography, his wife wanted to leave the marriage. Instead, something urged her to forgive and help him break...

Dr. Coulter shares how Christians flourished in the Greco-Roman era, showing how we, too, can life a full and pure life amidst the modern “Hook-Up...

Searching for freedom and affirmation, Lindsey left her husband and filed for a divorce. See why she chose to return two years later.

Cortney believed her husband Marc could do no wrong, but after 13 years of marriage, he made a confession that challenged their relationship and...

Kendall and Starla were doing great things for God until Starla discovered Kendall's affair.

Tommy and Michele divorced after an incident of physical abuse, but then they made a decision that changed their relationship forever.

When marriage to Jeff wasn't perfect, Deb turned to affairs to find acceptance. Then an affair became public, and Jeff and Deb's marriage hung in the...

Scott has been married to his Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame wife Nedra for over 50 years and together they’ve faced everything from prejudice to cancer...

After becoming “a prime candidate for an affair”, Melissa Lowder finally sought help to deal with her childhood abuse, and learns to fall in love...

Steve and Melissa were told only 1% of couples make it through separate drug addiction. See how the grace of God got them through it.

Jalana felt abandoned when she discovered her husband's affair. See how she found the strength to forgive and how their marriage came back together.

Josh knew he had to leave his girlfriend. Ashley knew God had someone better for her. They obeyed, and then God brought them together.


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