Christian Living

ScottRoss 05/01/08

In God's Name

And a good day to you!

Just watched the news and read some newspaper commentaries, and it's interesting to note how much God's name has entered into the public debate these days. In this age of instant communication, the amount of "stuff" that is flying about can be overwhelming! And when it gets into the arena of religion and politics….watch out!

Although Jesus called His followers sheep, we don't have to be dumb ones. In actuality we are told to "be wise."

What to believe?

We respond to opinions, arguments, dialogue, theologies, and points of view all from our own frame of reference. We see the world through our own glasses. How we see is affected by our upbringing, culture, personal influences, traditions, etc. And for many it is hard to change and accept any other point of view. After all, we are right let everyone else adjust.

We try to conform God to our image of Him, rather than us being conformed to Him who sees us as we are. God and humans are incompatible and somebody is gonna have to change and He says, "I'm God and I never change!"

Strange Stuff…

John the Apostle warns about false prophets who belong to the world, so they speak from the world's viewpoint; and the world listens to them. But John goes on to say, "We belong to God; that is why those who know God listen to us. If they do not listen to God, they don't listen to us. That is how we know if someone has the Spirit of truth or the spirit of deception." (1 John 4.5-7)

We need to be on guard and not be led away (and this is the insidious one) by "the wolves among us." The Scriptures warn us to be aware of:

  • "Doctrines of men." (Colossians 2.22 )
  • "Doctrines of devils." (1 Timothy 4.1)
  • "Many strange doctrines." (Hebrews 13.9)
  • "Those who are proud, knowing nothing, destitute of truth." (1 Timothy 6.4-5) 
  • "Those who reject the truth and turn to myths." (2 Timothy 4.4) 
  • "Those who rebel against right teaching
  • Engage in useless talk, deceiving people.
  • By their wrong teaching turn whole families away from the truth." 

And here is a major part of their motive: "They just want your money." (Titus 1.10-11)

The Apostle Peter adds "In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money." (2 Peter 2.1-3)

Below the Bottom Line

The antidote to lies is TRUTH.

Truth is the prism through which we look at life.

The truth can be known; it is attainable, practical, and applicable to all aspects of life itself.

Truth can be translated into the personal integrity of the heart and conscience and with your mouth is as basic as "Let your yes be yes, and your no be no." (Jesus Christ - Matthew 5.37)

Truth is absolute and it can be measured:

"They searched the Scriptures day after day to check up on Paul and Silas, to see if they were really teaching the truth." (Acts 17.11)

" Rightly handle the Word of Truth." (2 Timothy 2.15)

And ultimately, Truth is a Person: "I am the TRUTH!" (Jesus Christ)

As Paul the Apostle said, "Remind everyone of these things." (2 Timothy 2.14)

That we are trying to do.

Thanks, folks,

Scott Ross




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