Christian Living

bootsontheground 06/12/08

A Reader Question

This recent question is one I get often:

Dear Mr. Holton,

What can I as an American citizen do to help support the U.S. troops?

The best thing you can do to support our troops is to pray for them. Pray that as they face their mortality every day, they'll contemplate eternity and see their need for Christ. One great way to remind yourself is to join the Baghdad Prayer Patrol at Prayer Central.net

In addition, there are many organizations through which you can express support. One that I'm involved with is Melanie Morgan's Move America Forward, which is organizing the largest care package shipment in history with an upcoming webcast/telethon on June 26. It has some big names behind it, such as Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Oliver North, and Michelle Malkin. In addition, some not-so-big names are on the list, like myself. All of us are hoping to make a huge impact and show our troops that there are millions of people in this country who stand behind them, as the Ranger Creed says, "One hundred percent, and then some."

Chuck Holton

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