Displaying 9729 - 9744 of 12884

Idol worshiper Mahendra was so angry when Pastor Vikram talked about Jesus, he tried to scare the pastor off—but God had something else in mind.

Barbara was a real estate developer drowning in a $6 million debt. Find out how she avoided bankruptcy on today's 700 Club.

Imagine tying together pieces of plastic to build a home. That’s what single mother Maria and her five children did. Her house was no match for wind...

Merlie Springsteen learned at an early age a key principle for success and it's the same same principle that has kept Steve Leondis' air freight...

Finances were already tight for Christy’s family, but when her husband broke his leg and couldn’t work, life became desperate. With no money for...

The river that Valeria and other villagers used was dangerous in more than one way: besides being unhealthy to drink, the water was so dirty that...

Heartbroken after her father's death, eleven-year-old Daysi just wanted the pain to go away. With her father dying and her mother unable to afford...

While businesses across the country have been hurting financially, Steve Leondis' air freight company has remained strong and prosperous. Discover...

Merlie learned at an early age a key principle for success. Now, she has seen the wisdom of her actions. You can too.

Wikwik tried to be a good Muslim. Yet, she never found God, peace, power, love or joy. Then she came across a television program you helped provide...

Shekita Oliver was a single mom struggling to make ends meet. JD and Janet cashed in their retirement to pay bills and prepared for the worst. Find...

Kitty is a little girl who lived at a garbage dump. She ate the food she found there and tried to avoid being bitten by the rats. Life is very...

A Tibetan mother prays for health for her ailing daughter. Little did she know that you were the answer to her prayers.

Just before their youngest son was born, Liteng’s husband died of a heart attack, leaving the family without a provider. See how God used a forgotten...

Once known as the world's fastest woman, Marion Jones sits down with The 700 Club's Scott Ross to discuss what her incarceration experience taught...

Bob and Julie found out that having to start again can be the best thing to ever happen. See how they found their passion and success.


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