Displaying 209 - 224 of 269

How would Jesus handle the crazy tribalism and political partisanship we live in today? Is he concerned with the politics of our world? Dan and Dale...

Some politicians are calling for people to not return to work once the COVID-19 crisis has ended, but what does the Bible have to say about work? Dan...

Experts don’t think life will be the same after the COVID-19 pandemic has ended. Dale doesn’t think the church will be either. Dan and Dale discuss...

In the midst of a worldwide crisis, people inevitably ask why a good God would allow something like coronavirus to happen. Dan and Dale discuss this...

As the coronavirus pandemic drags on, people are beginning to wonder when it will end and if Christianity has an answer as to why it’s happening. Dan...

Are we anxious or patient? Joyful or bitter? The coronavirus crisis is forcing us to examine whether we’re practicing what we preach. Dan and Dale...

Social distancing is the new normal for most of America and it looks like it will remain that way for a while. Dan and Dale discuss dealing with the...

Panic has gripped the world in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. How should Christians respond in times like these?

In a culture with so many distractions, it’s easy to let our faith become complacent. Dan and Dale breakdown what it means to be lukewarm and tackle...

Deconversion stories are becoming more and more common in our culture. Dan and Dale tackle this controversial topic by deconstructing what seems to...

On this week’s episode of Faith vs. Culture, Dan and Dale discuss the importance of responding to hurting people with the love of Jesus.

"Christ is miraculous not because He changed what I do but because He changed what I want to do.” Dan and Dale examine the difference between heart...

The Super Bowl halftime show this year has sparked a lot of controversy. Dan and Dale wade through the opinions and discuss true female empowerment.

“What you win people with is what you win people to.” Dan and Dale talk about the detrimental affects of using entertainment as a way to get people...

This week Aaron Rodgers announced that he has left the faith of his youth, but what he is saying is more common than you’d think. Dan and Dale...

In a culture with so many distractions, it’s easy to let our faith become complacent. Dan and Dale breakdown what it means to be lukewarm and tackle...


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