Displaying 225 - 240 of 271

This week Aaron Rodgers announced that he has left the faith of his youth, but what he is saying is more common than you’d think. Dan and Dale...

In a culture with so many distractions, it’s easy to let our faith become complacent. Dan and Dale breakdown what it means to be lukewarm and tackle...

"Christ is miraculous not because He changed what I do but because He changed what I want to do.” Dan and Dale examine the difference between heart...

In light of recent school and church shootings, Christians are pondering a proper response to these situations. They’re asking, “Was Jesus a Pacifist...

Faithwire - December 30, 2019

Faithwire - December 23, 2019

This week Dan and Dale have a compelling discussion about what true, biblically faithful monogamy looks like. Be sure to tune in.

In a recent interview, Mayor Pete Buttigieg said that the Bible shouldn’t be taken literally. Is that a true statement? Dan and Dale unpack his claim...

As transgenderism becomes more and more acceptable in today’s culture, it’s more and more important that Christians know how to respond to it in a...

The Bible tells us purity is a good thing, so why do so many Christians have a problem with purity culture? Dan and Dale explore that on this week’s...

What does it mean to be a real Christian? Dan and Dale discuss Dale’s upcoming book, “Real Christianity: How to Be Bold for Christ in a Culture of...

Some of us pray for God to relieve our suffering, but what happens when he doesn’t? Dan and Dale discuss on this week’s episode of Faith vs. Culture.

The world has been shocked to see Kanye West’s radical conversion to Christianity, but many are still wondering if will stick. Dan and Dale tackle...

Over the past 25 years, more and more Christians say sharing their faith is not important. Are they right? Dan and Dale discuss it on this week’s...

We hear it asked now and then: is there persecution in America? Dan and Dale tackle this controversial question to separate the truth from the...

Some of us pray for God to relieve our suffering, but what happens when he doesn’t? Dan and Dale discuss on this week’s episode of Faith vs. Culture.


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