Displaying 33 - 48 of 333

Growing GOP divide over Ukraine War funding; Christianity rising in Cuba, pastor’s son brought back from the dead; Montgomery County schools bring...

China restricts rare earth metals used in microchips; Changing Church of England views on gay marriage & premarital sex; American youth spending more...

99-year-old Holocaust survivor still searches for truth about missing family in Poland; Back to the classroom as parents opt-out of public schools;...

China makes its move to control food and agriculture in Africa; Urgent prayer requested for kidnapped Syrian pastor threatened with execution; Strong...

The Global Lane - August 17, 2023

Sweden plans to send an Iranian Christian woman back home to danger; As U.S freedoms erode, government agencies arm themselves; God...

Christians persecuted in Eritrea; 2 pastors held for more than 7,000 days; Indicted again. What does the future hold for Donald Trump? American...

War escalation in Ukraine. Why is no one talking about peace? Safety at risk. Loudon County, Virginia schools prepare gender-neutral bathrooms;...

UK Christian attorney's life shattered biblical truth tweet; Public school Instruction out of the Black Panther's playbook; Can over-the-counter...

Before the Sound of Freedom story. The American missionary who rescues kids in Africa; USA Child trafficking among worst in the world; Extending the...

Best of GL: Unexplained. Sudden death among healthy working age people worldwide Is skyrocketing; Canadian wildfires & climate change; Cities...

Is America ready for a possible Trump/RFK Jr. ticket? The USA'S 247th birthday & America’s Judeo-Christian roots; Controlling language...

Frank dialogue in Beijing, or appeasing China to calm tensions? A new warning about an imminent EMP attack; U.S. evangelical abandoning church and...

Pat Robertson's global impact & legacy; Canadian wildfires, the historic view & climate change disinformation; Why Americans of all colors should...

China's Aggressive actions. Could war be coming? Business interests may be corrupting U.S. policy decisions on China; Anti-Christian bias on full...

Nation on the brink and leftist crimes against America; Is the FBI fighting crime, or playing politics? The debt ceiling deal moves through congress...


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